If you have a business idea, we are looking for you!

EDGSJ wants to be there for you from the inception of your idea to the day you open its doors. We have the relationships and resources you will need to see your idea come to life.

In the last two months, there has been a lot of change. Companies have been forced to close their doors, employees have learned to work remote, and the country has banded together in unique ways to survive the COVID-19 pandemic. One thing we never want to change is our ability to connect with aspiring entrepreneurs. Maybe we will have to meet online, but these relationships are something we will always find a way to create.

For as many years as economic development can be remembered, we have walked hand in hand with new entrepreneurs as they planned and financed new ventures. We have witnessed dreamers turn their ideas into reality. Business by business our community has felt the impact that every entrepreneur has made in making Saint John such a great place to work, live, and play. Every restauranteur, retailer, event planner, tech startup and beyond has crafted Saint John into the city we are proud to call home.

We needed entrepreneurs before the crisis, and we will need them even more after. Maybe now seems like a crazy time to start a business. But, maybe now while the world is silent is the perfect time to plan your business. Maybe right now is the time to refine the plan, collect the resources, and prepare to be apart of the resurgence of our community.

EDGSJ wants to be there for you from the inception of your idea to the day you open its doors. We have the relationships and resources you will need to see your idea come to life. We have been supporting entrepreneurs to plan and finance new businesses for years. We are confident no matter how big or small your idea is, we have something to offer you.

Every week we try to meet as many people as possible. We even dedicate time to it every Thursday morning. A quick 30-minute meeting where we can learn about you and your idea and you can learn what resources we have to offer you. If you have an idea and you want to meet someone that is ready to support you in planning, financing, and connecting with the people and organizations that can help you see it be successful, please get in touch.

Now more than ever, we need people with ideas.

Schedule your Discovery Session, by emailing Dakota@edgsj.com

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