EDGSJ Board of Directors Reaction to the Proposed Regional Economic Development Model

We are encouraged by the proposed regional approach to economic development. Should the municipalities agree to the model proposed by the Advisory Council there are many aspects we are aligned with, and believe a coordinated regional approach and stable funding model will benefit the region. If this regional agency is approved, we look forward to working with the transitional committee throughout the process.


Structure and governance are only one component; however, the fundamental issue is how do we most effectively accelerate economic growth in the region. Currently, there are many collaborative initiatives underway supporting in-migration, immigration, workforce attraction, innovation, and investment attraction and it is imperative that we carry on this momentum.


Tremendous work has been happening to support a culture of entrepreneurship and innovation and telling our story to the world. The recent establishment of the partnership with the UNBSJ MBA program and EDGSJ was the first step in the development of a regional Innovation District. This initiative has recently seen tremendous support and needs to be celebrated.


We are encouraged that the proposal does not include significant impacts to staffing.


Coming out of COVID we believe there has never been a greater need to have a fully functional and supportive economic development environment.





Andrew Oland

Chair, Board of Directors: Economic Development Greater Saint John


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